How Do I Apply?

The 2 application routes to make a Future Bubblers application are all detailed in the Apply section on our website.

What will happen if I am selected?

We are selecting a maximum of 4 artist candidates and 2 industry candidates, so a total of 6 candidates.

Once you are selected we will get in touch with you to arrange an initial meeting/skype call, whichever works for you and begin to figure out who is best matched to yourself and your creative development as a mentor. This is just the start of the journey! You will get a mentor for one year, as we want to ensure that your journey with us is steady and suitable. You’ll be given live music opportunities when and where appropriate, learn about how the music industry machine works and more importantly how it works best for you and your music. The Future Bubblers team and your mentor will be there along the way, as will your wider Future Bubblers’ family. We also want to encourage exchange and collaboration amongst the final Future Bubblers’ candidates.

If I am selected as a successful artist candidate – what do I get…?

- Professional press shots

- Professional bio written

– A pairing with an expert industry mentor specifically tailored to your needs and vision

– Experience and Development over key areas of the music industry

– Ableton intro session and additional one-on-one training session + access to software licenses and hardware

– An opportunity to perform at a London showcase event

– Plus other additional live opportunities as they come up/are appropriate

– Feature track on a Future Bubblers compilation released via Brownswood Recordings

– Radio play via the Future Bubblers x Rinse FM show

- Assistance with single and EP campaigns as they come up – across marketing / press / radio plugging

If I am selected as a successful industry candidate – what do I get…?

 Experience and development over key areas of the music industry, including:

- Promotions & marketing

- Creating and releasing masters

- Live

- Plus more inc. funding, sync, brand deals

– A pairing with an expert industry mentor specifically tailored to your needs and vision to help guide your journey

- A series of real life tasks to put all you’ve learnt into practice - guided and mentored by the Future Bubblers team and/or relevant industry experts.

Is my music right?

This is the hardest question of them all! Applications are not required to be of a specific genre. Our best reference is “outside of the box” so Future Bubblers music will usually tend NOT to be commercial and it will lean more toward the experimental, leftfield and probably an electronic tinged soul sound. We do a show on Rinse FM, you can listen back to any show on the Rinse FM website to try and give you a clearer audio reference. You can also listen back to any of our Future Bubblers compilations, Future Bubblers 1.0, 2.0, 3.0,  4.0., 5.0 & 6.0

Also, please check the magical music sounds of all our Future Bubblers candidates to date – this will give you a really good indication of the spectrum of sound we cover and suppor

Do I have to be a “musician”?

No. Future Bubblers is open to singers / rappers / spoken word poets / producers / beat makers / trombone players - if it’s the Future Bubblers’ sound, it doesn’t matter how you make it.

Do I have to be a certain age?

No. However, if you are younger than 16 we will need to obtain parental/guardian’s consent if are selected as a final successful “Future Bubblers” candidate.

I’m a signed artist, can I apply?

Unfortunately not. Future Bubblers is all about grass roots music. Creatives with no real previous “music industry” experience or exposure are the project’s priority. So just because you don’t have a manager, an agent, even a soundcloud doesn’t mean you aren’t making perfect Future Bubblers’ vibes. This is more about potential rather than previous experience

I actually don’t have a soundcloud. How do I apply?

We saw this one coming! Just because you’ve never been in a recording studio before or have only ever DJ’d and made beats in your bedroom shouldn’t be this opportunity can’t be an option for you. The link doesn’t have to be from Soundcloud, we would just prefer a link that we can easily stream your music, so you can upload your music to any file sharing platform that works for you. Google Drive, WeTransfer etc. Alternatively you can try dropping your music straight into an email and sending it over to hello@futurebubblers.com

When will I find out if I am successful?

We will announce the 2 successful candidates plus the 4 successful artist candidates by late July 2023. You will be contacted by email so please ensure that from the get-go you provide us with correct and complete contact details.

What about people that don’t get through?

Just because you aren’t selected as a “Future Bubbler” does not mean that you cannot come along for the ride.  There are many ways for you to remain part of the Future Bubblers story and benefit from the resources and opportunities. We will add all applicants to our mailing list and keep them up to date with local Future Bubblers activities and events. This will include things such as drop-in workshops / talks / information on similar music opportunities. And plenty more besides… Of course this will all be on a first come first served basis so keep checking your inbox to register your interest! Future Bubblers is a family and we want to make sure as many innovative fresh music makers can benefit as possible. We also have a monthly radio show on Rinse FM where we play up and coming artists from across the UK. We’d be happy to listen to any music from up and coming artists for our show, just hit us up on hello@futurebubblers.com.
NB: Please inform us if you do not wish to be added to the mailing list

What Is The Deadline For Submissions?

Applications for the latest round of Future Bubblers closed on Friday 30th June at 11:59PM. Applications will re-open Autumn 2023. Check on the website in the Apply section to find out how you can get your music to us. Please make sure you sign up to the mailing list to stay in the know about all these deadlines

I still have more questions. What do I do?

There’s a few options here. You can email hello@futurebubblers.com and we will come back to you as soon as we can. OR in the true Future Bubblers spirit, you can attend a Future Bubblers event - these should generally be happening throughout the year, where you can come and meet with us and ask questions face to face, and generally just talk about music and life.